Audio unit plugins for garageband software#
Smart Control inspector: You can access plug-ins including master effects, recording settings (for audio tracks), and a keyboard sensitivity control (for software instrument tracks). Screen controls are labeled to make their functions easier to understand. Screen controls: Visual controls that let you control the sound of the track. In the Smart Controls pane you can also add, reorder, and edit plug-ins, including Audio Units plug-ins installed on your computer. Adjusting a single screen control can modify one or more parameters for the track. Each Smart Control features a set of screen controls. Smart Controls let you quickly view and adjust the sound of the selected track. GarageBand settings and keyboard shortcuts.Use iCloud to share a project to for iOS.If your lesson doesn’t finish downloading.Choose the input source for your guitar.Create key changes with the Transposition track.Create tempo changes with the Tempo track.Build a project with arrangement markers.Compare an edited Smart Control with its saved settings.Change the Bass Amp Designer signal flow.Choose and place the bass amp microphone.Rename MIDI regions in the Score Editor.Quantize note timing in the Score Editor.Edit music notation in the Score Editor.Use automation in the Piano Roll Editor.Rename MIDI regions in the Piano Roll Editor.Transpose regions in the Piano Roll Editor.Quantize note timing in the Piano Roll Editor.Edit MIDI regions in the Piano Roll Editor.Add third-party Apple Loops to the Loop Browser.Record to multiple software instrument tracks.Record multiple software instrument takes.Record your voice or a musical instrument.View patches for a particular sound pack.Change the sound of a track using patches.Turn on input monitoring for audio tracks.Control projects remotely using Logic Remote.

Control playback with the transport buttons.